The key to my destiny is submission not service

Several years ago, I encouraged a few friends to contribute monthly to a grocery fund for a child-headed family in a nearby squatter camp. My friends did not let me down; most of them not only wanted to donate money, but also wanted to be actively involved in buying and delivering the groceries. I was very proud of this initiative, as I believed I was serving the Creator and doing good work.

However, this service was not good enough in the spiritual territory, where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I do not exist to fulfill my own plans; I exist to fulfill the Creator's plan for my life. And in order for this plan to be revealed, I first need to accept the invitation into the Kingdom of God, and then fully submit to the King. When I started this initiative, I had not accepted this invitation. I was therefore a fool to think I was serving the Creator when in fact I was serving my own ego.

I have now accepted the invitation into the Kingdom, but in order for the details of the plan for my life to be revealed, I have to submit fully to the King. This is a big challenge, because it is not a one-time event; it is a daily activity. When I attempted to serve the Creator outside the Kingdom, I was making my own initiatives, similar to this one, and had an expectation that the Creator would bless them. But I am learning that this is not how He works. Therefore, in order to be aligned with His way of doing things, I have submitted myself to the Kingdom for all the days of my life, so that I can successfully reach the destiny He has planned for my life. Because service without submission will not lead to my eternal destiny.

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