True change starts with transformation
My search for truth and meaning of life started when I recognised that I need change in my life, this was motivated by a realisation that my religious upbringing was not providing me with the answers I was seeking.I then tried New Age beliefs, but they were also unsatisfactory.
I now believe that the reason both of these things failed to satisfy me is because religion offered me rules and regulations, while New Age beliefs taught me partial truths about the spiritual realm. They both offered me changes that are rooted in the physical realm, while the Kingdom of God offers a deeper kind of change that is rooted in the spiritual realm to impact my spirit and soul.
Spiritual transformation
The Kingdom of God offered me a spiritual transformation that starts from the inside out and changes my character so that I am well-positioned to be used for Kingdom purposes. My spiritual transformation is more important in the Kingdom than my physical transformation, and it requires me to submit to the Kingdom correction process, even when it is painful.Spiritual transformation is the true change that is necessary for me if I am to be an agent of change. It will rescue me from the realm of darkness and bring me into the Kingdom of Light, which enables me to see through the enemy's schemes that are aimed at deceiving me.
Imitating the ideals of the Kingdom of God is easier said than done, but it is crucial to my journey because imitating the ideals of this world would prevent me from being transformed and empowered to discern God's will for my life.
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