I dont desire self confidence as a superpower
Self-confidence is defined as the acceptance and trust of oneself, as well as a sense of control over one's life. It is often said to be a superpower because once one begins to believe in themselves, magic happens. I have looked up to people who have displayed this attribute clearly in their lives, and it is an attribute that I have aspired to have and tried to instill in my children.
However, I have come to believe that self-confidence is not the answer. It requires that I trust in my own abilities while ignoring the realities of the spiritual realm. It forces me to only focus on my reality in the physical realm, this will hinder my journey of life in the Kingdom of God.
Selflessness, on the other hand, is defined as considering both the physical and spiritual well-being of others ahead of my own, even when they do not deserve it. It is a demonstration of underserved mercy, the same mercy that has been shown to me by the Creator. When I consider both the physical and spiritual well-being of others instead of only focusing on my own needs, I allow myself to draw from the Creator's strength because this posture makes me more open to the Creator's guidance and help.
Therefore, I believe that selflessness is the true superpower. It is an attribute with eternal rewards, and I will activate it by submitting fully to the Kingdom of God.