Independence is an obstacle to my true identity

My life strategy was originally founded on the belief that I must rely on my own strength and not depend on anyone or anything in order to be successful in this world. In other words, I believed that independence was essential for success.

While it is true that I can achieve my dreams and be successful if I work hard enough and overcome all obstacles, this kind of success comes at the expense of my true identity, which is the identity that the Creator intended for me. Now that I have acquired this new knowledge about the Kingdom of God, I am no longer content with achieving success at the expense of knowing my true identity.

The stakes have now been raised. I want to be successful in this lifetime without compromising my true identity. Therefore, I need a new strategy.

My old strategy ignored the reality that there is a battle in the spiritual realm to influence my soul. In this battle, there are two sides: one side whose mission is to influence me away from the Creator, and the other side whose mission is to influence me towards the Creator.

The consequence of being influenced away from the Creator is that I will not experience His power in this lifetime. However, on the other hand, I will be rewarded with the knowledge of my true identity, which allows me to experience His power on a personal level in this lifetime.

Influence towards the Creator is in the Kingdom of God and compliance in that Kingdom means that the Creator's agenda on earth must be central to my life strategy. Therefore, my old strategy of independence was an obstacle, because compliance in the Kingdom of God requires that I subject myself under His authority. 

To bring my new life strategy to life, I must intentionally opt into the Kingdom of God and subordinate myself to His rule. If I do not do this, I will be allowing my soul to be influenced by the spiritual entities that are hostile to the Creator.

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