True knowledge is not found in rituals

LIFE LESSON: Religious rituals were an obstacle to my faith journey as they merely provided me with surface-level information about God’s attributes, instead of a deeper exploration of His character.

Throughout my childhood in a denominational church, I saw the Cross primarily as a symbol of Jesus's sacrifice for my sins. While this theological tenet remains a core belief, my new faith journey, grounded in the principles of the Kingdom of God, has led me to a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the Cross. I now perceive it as a conceptual framework through which divine providence guides my life's purpose and direction.

My former limited understanding stemmed from a faith journey based on religious rituals—man-made constructs for reaching God that differ from the biblical framework of the Kingdom of God. Abandoning this faith journey was necessary because it had several implications:

  1. Obstruction of My Relationship with God: My focus on fulfilling rituals rather than obeying God (James 1:25 TPT) hindered my ability to resume a genuine journey with God as he intended.
  2. Distance from God: This inability to walk with God as intended kept me far from him (Isaiah 29:13 TPT), preventing me from embarking on a path toward true knowledge
  3. Inability to Experience God's Power: My preoccupation with outward godliness through religious rituals diverted my attention from inward righteousness, hindering my personal experience of God's power on Earth. (2 Timothy 3:5)

Instead of adhering to religious rituals, I now find guidance in the teachings imparted by the Bible, especially the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I embrace these lessons as a framework for my earthly life, striving to become a vessel through which God's plan for the world can be realized.

Follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth through the WhatsApp channel here.

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