Prayer activates my divine alignment

LIFE LESSON : Prayer serves as a potent tool, crafted to facilitate the harmonization and alignment of my personal aspirations with the divine will.

A friend, having recently prevailed in a legal battle against an adversary, cautioned potential detractors against engaging in conflict with him. He emphasized the efficacy of his prayers against his enemies, suggesting that they fulfill his personal desires. Initially, I shared this perspective, believing prayer's purpose was to satisfy individual aspirations. However, this understanding deviates from the biblical perspective, which emphasizes prayer's purpose is to glorify his name (Matthew 6:9 TPT).

I have been able to reconcile these seemingly contradictory viewpoints when I accepted an invitation into the Kingdom of God, a roadmap to live life on earth so God’s plan can be fulfilled through me. In this roadmap, prayer becomes a posture of surrender that  facilitates intimacy with God leading to a  personal encounter. This posture is necessary because it grants me protection, (Philliians 4:7 TPT) as my character is transformed  to mirror God's to position me to receive his blessings.(John 15:7TPT)

Instead of viewing prayer as a tool to enforce my selfish desires upon God, I now recognize it as a protective weapon. Through prayer, I undergo a process that aligns my desires with God's, allowing His will to be fulfilled on Earth.

Follow the memoirs of my journey through the WhatsApp channel here as I search for truth.

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