Intimate process is the source miracles.

LIFE LESSON: Miracles are the consequences of a process that starts with an intimate relationship instead of once off events.

In instances where people seek spiritual healing or solutions from religious figures only to face disappointment or financial exploitation, I often question the apparent lack of God’s intervention in such circumstances, because I know  what it is like to seek immediate relief,when going through hard times and I understand the desperation that leads people to take drastic measures which might lead to tragic consequences in search of relief but I've come to realize that God's preferred method of doing the supernatural on earth involves a gradual process rather than a single event.

While God has the ability to perform miraculous acts at any moment, the Bible reveals that he favors a process that begins with a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, that leads to a personal encounter (John 4:50). This encounter establishes a preferred partnership between humanity and Jesus Christ (John 11:41), which serves as a channel for God's supernatural work on earth. This partnership allows for the demonstration of Jesus Christ's authority on earth (John 11:43), ultimately drawing others towards the Kingdom of God which is a framework through which we should view life on earth

In times of hardship, I still have expectations for immediate relief. However, the understanding that God's preferred method of accomplishing the impossible is through a process has taught me to accept outcomes that may not align with my desired timeframe. This perspective has allowed me to align my expectations with God's timing, which I believe is perfect.

Follow the memoirs of my journey through the WhatsApp channel here as I search for truth.

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