Presence in this lifetime should be the aim not heaven.

LIFE LESSON: Instead of exclusively fixating on reaching heaven post-mortem, the primary objective of Christianity should be forging a deep and meaningful connection with God in the current life.

During my elementary school years, an overly zealous teacher made persistent efforts to convert us to Christianity. She instilled fear in us by emphasizing the repercussions of eternal damnation in hell and distributed religious literature to reinforce their message. As a result, my initial motivation for embracing Christianity was primarily driven by a desire to secure a place in heaven and avoid eternal punishment. While this consideration is undoubtedly significant, it should not be the primary reason for embarking on a spiritual journey.

The ultimate purpose of a Christian journey is to experience the personal presence of God during our earthly existence. Through the roadmap of the Kingdom of God, we can access this presence. As human beings, we are inherently flawed and unworthy of God's presence, but through the Kingdom of God, we can find acceptance and reconciliation with Him (Luke 22:18 TPT).

This acceptance initiates a process of liberation from worldly influences and the enemies of God (Luke 22:16 TPT), allowing us to experience His presence on a profound level. This enables His power to be manifested through our lives (1 Corinthians 4:28 TPT). As a result, my faith journey has evolved from a fear-based pursuit of the afterlife to a deeper understanding of my purpose and identity in this current lifetime.

 Follow the memoirs of my journey through the WhatsApp channel here as I search for truth.

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