Embracing the Kingdom aligns me with destiny

LIFE LESSON: The Kingdom of God is not simply heaven but rather a roadmap that harmoniously aligns my life on earth with the divine will.

As I delved into the Bible, I noticed a recurring theme in Jesus Christ's teachings—the Kingdom of God. Initially, I associated the Kingdom of God with heaven, a place accessible only after death. As a result I struggled to reconcile this concept with my daily experiences. That was until I realized that Jesus was referring to a roadmap that serves to guide me to live on earth in alignment with God's will.

Embracing the Kingdom of God as a roadmap transformed my understanding of my faith journey. It's not about fulfilling my desires or displaying my power but about showcasing God's power on earth (1 Corinthians 4:28). This posture enables me to partner with God, because it makes me acceptable to Him (Luke 22:18) so that through me, His power can be resurrected and manifested through supernatural activities (Luke 9:2).

It all makes sense now. Jesus stated that the Kingdom is nearer than we think (Luke 10:11) because this roadmap became available to all humans when He sacrificed Himself on the cross and resurrected. His death and resurrection unlocked the path for all humanity to follow if they intend to live in alignment with God's will on earth.

Follow the memoirs of my journey through the WhatsApp channel here as I search for truth.

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