Adversity is leading me to destiny

I've always wondered why God permits adversity in the world, especially when I witness terrible events. This question has always lingered in my mind, but I never actively sought the answer until I embarked on my journey of faith. When my life took a turn for the worse after accepting the invitation into the Kingdom of God, I was compelled to explore this question further.

The question of why God allows adversity assumes that He exists to cater to my desires. However, the truth is that God exists to fulfill His own purpose of bringing heaven on earth. His will is to achieve this through me.

Naturally, I want all my desires to be fulfilled. But my desires are influenced by what I perceive through my senses. Hence, the source of my desires is often spiritual blindness. While my desires might seem good to me, they may not align with God's desires.

To address spiritual blindness, God planted His thoughts in me when I accepted His invitation into His Kingdom. However, there are kingdoms hostile to the Kingdom of God that seek to divert me from His agenda by pursuing their own. These external influences compete for my attention, making it challenging as a mortal to discern God's voice from those that seek to pull me away from Him.

To empower me to distinguish His voice from others, God allows these hostile kingdoms to tempt me. In other words, He permits adversity to arise in my life to draw me closer to Him. By experiencing adversity, I can better recognize His voice amidst the voices of His enemies.

Ultimately, God permits adversity to draw me closer to Him, allowing me to fulfill His agenda on earth. Therefore, when adversity seems prevalent in my circumstances, my response should be to draw closer to God through His Scriptures rather than turning away from Him.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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