My spiritual blindness is an obstacle to truth

When I first began my walk of faith in the Kingdom of God, I was instructed to read my Bible daily. I assumed this was simply so I could learn the stories and be able to quote Bible verses, but the true reason was because I am spiritually blind.

Spiritual blindness is the inability to understand spiritual things. When it is not acknowledged, it leads to unbelief. It is a human default setting that made my pursuit of knowing Jesus intimately fruitless. It caused me to surrender to impurities and kept me blind to the mysteries of faith. Spiritual blindness kept me delusional about the realities of life and hindered my ability to fully satisfy God. It made me cling to the distractions of this world.

The invitation into the Kingdom of God is an invitation to acknowledge spiritual blindness by salvation through Jesus Christ. When I accepted this invitation, his power was activated to permanently remove spiritual blindness, enabling me to overcome evil. The unveiling of my spiritual blindness is not a one-time event. It is an ongoing process that will last my entire life. It is enhanced when I consistently read the Bible.

I used to read the Bible for its stories and to improve my ability to recite Bible verses. Now, I read it regularly to gain insight into the truth that is hidden from me due to my spiritual blindness.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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