There is a subtle distinction between love and hate

Throughout my life journey, the story of the Cross and its association with Jesus Christ's sacrifice for my sins has been a familiar narrative. However, as I delve deeper into my spiritual journey within the Kingdom of God, I have discovered a profound significance that extends beyond mere redemption. The Cross stands as a powerful symbol, highlighting the striking contrast between God's lofty standards and my human limitations.

In His immense love, God allowed His beloved Son to endure the Cross, not only to atone for our sins but also to demonstrate unwavering alignment with divine thoughts and plans. From a human perspective, it may seem incomprehensible that God would choose such a painful path to express His love. However, this deliberate act serves to emphasize the vast difference between human standards and God's. Aligning myself with His standards may temporarily feel like a regressive process.

This pattern extends beyond the narrative of the Cross it permeates the entire Bible. God's standards consistently surpass mine, to the extent that His actions, intended to convey His love, may sometimes appear as acts of hate. In light of this realization, when circumstances do not unfold according to my preferences, I am committed to maintaining unwavering obedience, trusting in God's sovereignty and control over every aspect of life.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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