My suffering cultivates patience

When I faced hardships in life, many people close to me who followed African Spirituality advised me to seek help to find the source because in African Spirituality suffering is often viewed as a punishment for immoral behavior.However, I chose to follow the Kingdom of God instead. Surprisingly, my circumstances worsened, leading me to question my decision. But then I realized that, in the Kingdom of God, suffering is defined differently from African Spirituality.

Now that I am part of the Kingdom of God, I am to embrace suffering as a joyful experience because suffering cultivates patience and endurance, which, in turn, bring about confident assurance of eternal salvation and hope in God's unwavering promises. During my times of suffering, God provides comfort and encouragement, enabling me to extend that same comfort and support to others who are also enduring hardships.

Therefore, suffering plays a significant purpose within the Kingdom of God. To comprehend this purpose, I must remain steadfast during times of suffering by deepening my knowledge of the Kingdom of God. I must resist the temptation to turn away from Him and allow other belief systems to define my suffering.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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