Personal desire can be an obstacle to my destiny.

LIFE LESSON: Prayer is not a means to satisfy my personal desires; rather, it is to align with divine providence.

In a recent discussion with a friend who attends a denominational church, he expressed that God fulfills all his prayers. Upon further exploration, it became apparent that he perceived God as a granter of his desires. This perspective contrasts with my experience of God of the Bible , my prayers are also always answered, but the responses I get are either YES, NO or NOT NOW..

My prayers are not always met with a "YES."as it the case with my friend because the Creator understands that my human desires alone, without his divine guidance, will never lead me to true fulfillment (Proverbs 27:20). God of the Bible prioritizes intimacy with me but some of my desires, unbeknownst to me, could hinder that intimate relationship (Luke 17:22). I was created to become a vessel through which God's plans on earth are realized. However, living solely for my human desires prevents me from being who he has created me to be (1 Peter 4:2).

It became evident that my friend and I were referring to different entities in our discussions because even though God of the Bible answers all prayers his answer is according to his divine providence, not according to human desires. This distinction underscores the differences in the divine entities my friend and I worship.

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