Imbalance is the way to true destiny

LIFE LESSON: The journey to true destiny begins when the balancing scales of life tip too heavily towards the intangible realm of spirituality, rather than the tangible and practical aspects of life.

When I started my journey of faith, some in my social circles accused me of being too spiritual, urging me to seek a balance between spirituality and worldly concerns. This view persisted even when I sought guidance from experienced fellow travelers on my faith journey, leaving me discouraged and questioning my path.Despite all my efforts I found balancing the spiritual and natural realms inherently incompatible.

However, I later discovered a profound truth that shifted my perspective. Rather than being an obstacle, being excessively spiritual is precisely the imbalance required for alignment with the God of the Bible. Pursuing a balance between my natural and spiritual realities hinders my progress toward God's plans. True closeness to God demands the replacement of selfish desires rooted in natural reality with God's desires grounded in the spiritual realm (1 Peter 3:18).

Relying on my natural reality to find equilibrium with spiritual reality is futile because the spiritual realm transcends the grasp of my natural senses (Jude 1:8). While my natural reality seeks validation from fellow humans, living by the standards of the spiritual realm - God's standards - may result in rejection by worldly standards (1 Peter 4:6). This dynamic renders a balance between these two realms impossible.

Moreover, not only is finding a balance between spirituality and natural reality impossible, but it also contradicts God's will for my life. To align genuinely with His will, I must embrace a state of excessive spirituality in a natural world. This understanding empowered me to persevere on my spiritual journey, recognizing that the so-called imbalance is the catalyst for my alignment with God's plans.

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