The unseen propels innovation and logic

A meme about a Chinese man and an American man using logic to find a way to cross between 2 hills and an African kneeling down to pray instead and he still fails to find a way,  paints a picture that seems to suggest that the continent of Africa is not developing at the same rate as the other continents because Africans seem to rely more on prayer instead of innovative thinking and logic. 

Prior to commencing my spiritual journey, I would have concurred with this notion. However, my faith exploration has revealed numerous flaws in this portrayal.

Reliance on prayer is a belief only prevalent in Africa

The meme mistakenly suggests that relying on prayer is exclusively an African phenomenon. Contrary to this misconception, it is a global recognition of a higher power influencing the tangible realm. In Western nations, this recognition is evident in the growing popularity of New Age beliefs, which often draw inspiration from Eastern religious traditions. In some instances, New Age beliefs even incorporate African spiritual concepts.

Prayer alone is not sufficient

The meme wrongly depicts the African's lack of a solution as evidence that prayer is ineffective. The Kingdom of God, as outlined in the Bible, offers a framework for believers to access the unseen realm. By fully adhering to this framework, an internal transformation can be achieved resulting in a supernatural existence within the natural world. However, people often seek shortcuts by selecting only the convenient aspects of the framework, such as prayer, while disregarding other essential requirements, thereby diminishing its effectiveness. 

No is also an answer

The image created by the meme implies that the African does not receive the desired outcome through prayer to provide evidence that God or the spiritual realm does not exist. However, this notion is inaccurate. According to the Bible, God's plan supersedes all else , and prayers from individuals fully aligned with the Kingdom of God are answered accordingly. There are three possible responses to prayers from fully compliant individuals: YES, NO, or NOT NOW. In the case of the African in the meme, the answer was either NO, indicating that their plan was not in accordance with God's plan for their life, or NOT NOW, suggesting that the timing was not appropriate.

The meme portrays an inaccurate image of Africans and their spiritual beliefs.Contrary to the meme's representation,the fact that the African continent falls short of the achievements of other continents it is not because of their beliefs in God of the Bible because when logic and innovative thinking are applied within a Godly context, they are enhanced by supernatural forces from the unseen realm.

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