It is the season for true transformation

Life lesson: true transformation involves considering both the natural and spiritual realms.

In this Easter holiday, I find myself drawn to a deeper reflection on its significance and its profound impact on my life. Over the years, this festive occasion has symbolized a time for relaxation and spending quality time with loved ones. However, this year, my introspection has led me to contemplate the tension between my personal process of transformation and the process orchestrated by God(of the Bible)

Reflecting on my journey, I have come to realize that the path chosen by God for my transformation is not one I would have willingly selected.I have experienced a sequence of events that have progressively deteriorated from bad to worse ever since adopting the Kingdom of God as my guiding principle. These painful circumstances, which accompany my ardent pursuit of righteousness, are integral to God's transformative process. As the apostle Paul reminds me in 2 Timothy 3:12 (AMP), "Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution."

Central to God's process of transformation is the burial of my belief in self-sufficiency. These challenging circumstances are designed to dismantle my reliance on my own abilities, recognizing that they are insufficient to conquer the unseen realm where the true battle for my identity takes place. When I willingly embrace the "death" of my self-sufficiency, it not only demonstrates my devotion and love for God but also activates the inheritance He has in store for me (Matthew 26:13 AMP).

The resurrection that follows this burial represents the emergence of my incorruptible and immortal spirit. Freed from the shackles of self-reliance, I am well-positioned to realize my true identity and fulfill God's purpose for my life (1 Corinthians 15:20 AMP).

Although the pain and difficulty have persisted for an extended period, I yearn for a resolution that seems elusive from my limited perspective. However, when I align with God's transformative process, which is rooted in the unseen realm, I trust that my circumstances will eventually be influenced by this unseen positioning, enabling me to become the person God has created me to be.

Please follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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