The anointing cannot be bought

While watching a telenovela recently, I noticed a scene where a character used anointed oil to pray for her troubled son. This incident reminded me of the common practice in many churches of selling anointed oils, holy water, and other products. It made me wonder if purchasing these items is all that is required to receive God's blessings, favor, and protection, why isn't everyone using them and why I wasn't participating in this practice? 

My question stems from the impression created by those selling the anointed products which is that human beings are the source of the anointing and it can be purchased for personal benefit. However, the truth is that God is the source of anointing, and it is intended to manifest His glory rather than solely benefit individuals.

The anointing is evidence of God's presence on Earth, it is activated to silence the voices of God’s enemies to amplify His voice. This process enables God to heal spiritual blindness and reveal the powerlessness of religious rituals. When the religious rituals are demonstrated to be powerless many people are drawn into a relationship with God and experience the transformative power of his presence. 

Therefore I do not need anointing oils, holy water or any other products to attract God’s blessings, favors and protection because the anointing was bestowed upon me when I accepted the invitation to enter into His Kingdom. It is not primarily for my personal benefit but rather for the expansion of God's Kingdom on earth and it is activated when I align my life with the precepts revealed in the Kingdom of God.

LIFE LESSON: Anointing is a tangible manifestation that provides evidence of His power.

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