The irrelevant is key to the promise.

Life lesson : What is deemed irrelevant has enabled me to comprehensively understand  the promised framework to live a meaningful life on earth.

When I first embarked on a personal journey of reading the Bible on my own, I encountered challenges in understanding the Old Testament. I was almost tempted away from this journey by a popular belief that the Old Testament is no longer relevant, but I resisted the temptation despite my initial struggles with comprehension. This resistance enabled me to appreciate that the Old Testament forms a crucial part of God's promised framework for living on earth, which is fully revealed in the New Testament as the Kingdom of God 

The Old Testament provides essential details about this revealed framework that is supposed to guide my life on earth as a child of God through religious rituals that point to God's promises and appropriate responses that positions me to inherit all that God has promised. These rituals offer insight into the activities in the spiritual realm when I respond appropriately to God's commandments and precepts.

Understanding the Old Testament rituals opened the door to comprehending symbols and objects that illustrate intricate details of the Kingdom of God. They clarify God's will for my earthly life to warn me against seeking refuge outside the Kingdom. They also highlight the grief and crushing consequences of living a life that is not deliberately aligned with God's purpose.

The Old Testament points me to established patterns that connect me to the unseen realm and illustrate the fulfillment of the religious rituals. Through these patterns, known as archetypes, I recognized that accepting the invitation to live my life according to the framework of the Kingdom of God means accepting that I am not the master of my own life but am under the authority of one Master, Jesus Christ. This understanding enables me to serve him and inherit God's generous promises.

Reading the New Testament in isolation from the Old Testament or vice versa hinders a comprehensive understanding of God's promised framework for living on earth. Therefore, I firmly believe that the Old Testament remains as relevant today as when it was written, to provide guidance and insights essential for my earthly journey.

Please follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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