I am not naturally inclined to be the image of God

Long before I started my journey of faith I've always held the belief that I am created in the image of God. However, my walk in the Kingdom of God has revealed a profound truth that goes beyond this belief. Being an image of God is not an innate or automatic state; rather, it is a posture that requires conscious effort and spiritual cultivation.

To truly embody the image of God means being a tangible representation of His divine nature and attributes. Throughout history, only one human has ever fully achieved this—our Lord Jesus Christ. By accepting His invitation into the Kingdom of God, I was given the opportunity to activate my capacity to regenerate and reflect God's image. It is a path that requires being right with God, living a lifestyle of gratitude for the gift of salvation, and a deep commitment to spiritual growth.

Contrary to my previous understanding, being an image of God is not a default setting or something that can be achieved solely through my own strength. It is a transformative journey that began the moment I declared Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Through this spiritual awakening, I now embark on a process of inner transformation, allowing God's image to be realized and expressed through my life.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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