The Bible is a book of revelation not interpretation

Throughout my journey of life, my relationship with the Bible has been marked by skepticism. Before my spiritual awakening, I held the belief that the Bible was a tool used for Africa's colonization. As an African, this perception hindered my ability to view it as a credible source. Even after embarking on my faith journey, my doubts persisted due to instances where fellow Christians would quote Scriptures out of context to validate their perspectives, particularly when my actions did not align with their expectations.

To me, the Bible seemed open to various interpretations and susceptible to being misinterpreted. The potential for its misuse for personal gain made it difficult for me to fully trust its contents. However, I have come to realize that the Bible is not a book that can be interpreted or misinterpreted at will; rather, it is a book of divine revelations. 

Upon accepting the invitation to join God's Kingdom, I received His Spirit, granting me access to His mind. However, to truly understand His mind, I must cultivate an intimate relationship with Him. The Bible serves as the instrument through which God reveals Himself, allowing me to know Him deeply and comprehend His plan for the Earth.

The insights I gain from the Bible are directly related to my alignment with God's divine plan. This is why I once perceived it as open to interpretation. In truth, the Bible is a supernatural book that reveals the Kingdom of God, shedding light on His grand plan for the Earth and my role within it.

This newfound perspective has transformed my relationship with the Bible from distrust to love. It has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, nourishing my spiritual growth and guiding my steps on this journey of faith.

Please follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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