A relationship contributes more to my success than rituals do.

Recently I attended a funeral at the denominational church where I grew up. For the first time, I noticed the richness of its rituals, which rendered the funeral beautiful and dignified.

Initially, doubts about my decision to leave the church surfaced. I felt a pang of sadness for what I was missing. However, upon reflection, I remembered that the invitation into the Kingdom of God promises a profound, light, and easy relationship.

When I was still in the denominational church, I was captivated by religious rituals, perceiving them as wisdom. In reality, they held no power against my sinful inclinations and failed to make me honor God. These rituals perpetuated favoritism, prejudice, and snobbery, causing me to look down on other religious practices outside my church.

While these rituals encouraged me to listen to God's Word, they did not motivate me to actively obey it. This  prevented me from delving deeper into the Kingdom's knowledge and keeping me fixated on its elementary principles.

To overcome my reliance on religious rituals, I have resolved to strengthen my relationship with God by surrendering my desires to His will, allowing Him to shape my life according to His desires.

You can follow the memoirs of my journey as I search for truth on WhatsAPP. Click here to view and follow the Whatsapp channel

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