Exclusivity is the power that positions me to true identity

The first commandment in Christianity is to worship God (of the Bible) exclusively at the expense of other gods. I have always wondered whether this is set as a barrier to knowledge of my identity as an African because this commandment forbids recognition and worshiping of ancestors, a practice that is linked to my African heritage .This commandment seems like a deliberate obstacle to knowing my roots as an African.

The people I admire and respect who are proponents of African spirituality always point to this commandment as proof that Christianity is anti African and no self respecting African should be following it. This left me doubting the motives of Christianity against my heritage as an African.

But I now understand that the commandment is not made to drive me away from my African heritage but to drive me towards God (of the Bible) who is the Creator of all things, positioning me well to know my true identity.


There is a warfare in the spiritual realm to either influence towards or away from the Creator. The influence towards the Creator leads to knowledge of true identity and influence away from the Creator eventually leads to distraction.The influence is done through spiritual beings on either side of the fence.

I am by default influenced by spiritual beings that take me away from the Creator so I have to opt into the side of the fence that influences me towards the Creator. The Kingdom of God is the only place where the spiritual being (Jesus Christ) with influence towards the Creator resides, any other spiritual being outside the Kingdom of God, including my ancestors influences me away from the Creator.

Therefore the commandment to exclusively worship God (of the Bible) at the expense of other gods is made to protect me from being distracted away from my true identity, it is not made to take me away from my African heritage. I am proud of my heritage and I recognise all cultural practices that do not go against the commandment of exclusive worship to God (of the Bible)

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