Manifestation is NOT my power to true life

The power of manifestation or visualization is real. I heard this a lot from people I looked up to and I was hooked. Manifestation or visualization is a mental technique that involves imagining yourself in a certain situation to help yourself actually get there in real life. Even though I was hooked I struggled with its application to a point I felt inadequate because many people did not struggle with it as much as I did. They seemed to be on the right path to reach their goals through this technique.

I felt inadequate until I learnt that this technique is flawed because it relied on the vision driven by my personal desires whose perspective is limited to one dimension, the natural realm. The Bible recommends that to live a true life of contentment, I need the supernatural vision from the Creator.

Supernatural vision

My life experience in the natural world is influenced in the supernatural dimension so to truly live my life to its full potential I need insight into the supernatural dimension. When I legitimately explore the supernatural in union with Jesus Christ I inherit the Spirit of the Creator which gives me insight into his vision for my life.

I am a created being, knowing the Creator’s vision for my life leads to a life I was created to live. There are many sources of visions clamoring for my attention but only the vision from the Creator will lead me to true life of contentment.

If I consider any other vision outside the Creator I will miss out on living a life of true contentment.The visualization or manifestation technique limits me to what is natural but when I lean on the Creator as the source for my vision I open myself up to a supernatural life of contentment.

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