The mission is to encourage alignment with the ONE

Growing up in a denominational church I was taught my mission as a Christian is to help the poor or those who are less privileged. I took this seriously and when I could afford it I initiated a charity drive with friends where we adopted a child headed household in a nearby squatter camp and we each contributed towards their monthly groceries.

This initiative went well until extended family members of the adopted household started getting involved and created chaos. We then realized that the problems facing the family were way above what we were able to offer,this led to the collapse of the initiative. I was personally disappointed because it felt like I was losing a platform to do the Lord’s work.

When I look back I realize that the initiative was good work but it was not necessarily the Lord’s work. I did not understand the purpose of the mission that as a Christian I am called to participate in.

The Mission

The primary purpose for doing the Lord’s work or doing the mission that Christians are called to, is to provoke people towards the spiritual domain reigned by Jesus Christ i.e. the Kingdom of God. This means the primary purpose for the mission is to inspire others towards spiritual alignment with God (of the Bible).

Even if the initiative was successful it would only have had a physical impact. It would not have been able to achieve its primary purpose which is to inspire others towards spiritual alignment because I was not spiritually aligned with God(of the Bible), meaning I was not in the Kingdom of God therefore the initiative would have missed the mark completely anyway.

The standard required to achieve the primary purpose of the mission is a lot higher than I thought and this is why I can only successfully implement it when I am in the Kingdom of God where the Helper (Holy Spirit) enables me to successfully implement this important mission.

Helping others with their practical needs is good work and it lays a good foundation to get to the primary purpose of the mission but I have shifted my focus to the primary purpose of the mission to encourage others to align with the ONE Kingdom that matters.

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