Ultimately self-help is NOT the greatest help

All my life I have believed that the greatest help for my ambitions is self help. This belief was inspired by the expression "God helps those who help themselves", because I thought the expression was a direct quote from the Bible.

As it turns out the expression was not a quote from the Bible, in fact neither the expression nor the concept of self help lines up with the teachings of the Bible.

Self Sacrifice

The visible realm in which I exist does not give me a full view of life experience. To fully comprehend my life experience I need access into the invisible realm because this is where real life happens. When I adopt the self-help concept I only have limited access therefore limiting my life experience to the desires of the visible realm. To consider my desires in the invisible realm I need legitimate access into the invisible realm.

God has an open invitation for me to legitimately access the invisible realm also known as the Kingdom of God.When I accept this invitation I have to allow his desires for my life to prevail over my desires. In other words God desires that I self sacrifice so his will for my life can manifest on earth.

Self sacrifice is a requirement because my desires are by default hostile to the will of God, therefore self sacrifice is a physical act that ensures my desires are in alignment with his desires in the invisible realm.

Self help limits God in what he wants to do through me and for me, but self sacrifice gives him unlimited access to restore me to my true identity. So to live this out my decisions are now based on what is of benefit in the invisible realm before that is of benefit in the visible realm.

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