Inner voice impedes my journey to destiny

“When I hear my inner voice and follow it, I can walk my own path.” This is a popular societal belief that I fully embraced, after all I believed my inner voice is the voice of God that I inherited at birth.So it made sense to follow this voice to help me in my journey to destiny.

It made sense until I learnt that my inner voice is not necessarily the voice of God (of the Bible) nor does it have the best intentions for me and my journey towards destiny

Multiple voices

My natural life experience is influenced in the spiritual realm, this means my journey to destiny is influenced by spiritual beings. These spiritual beings are fighting for my attention to either influence me towards God (of the Bible) or away from him. The influence towards God is the Kingdom of God and the influence away from him is satan, the values of this world and my own spirit.

Contrary to my previous belief the ability to hear the voice of God is not an inheritance that I receive at birth, I have to deliberately choose to enter the Kingdom of God to be able to tell God’s voice from other voices fighting for my attention. When I choose to enter the Kingdom of God in his terms he empowers me with his Spirit so I can fulfill his purpose for my life, setting me up for my destiny.

My inner voice outside the Kingdom of God is a crowded noisy space that is unlikely to lead to my destiny. I have now stepped into the Kingdom of God and read my Bible daily to elevate the voice of God (of the Bible) above other voices who are seeking to distract me away from my destiny.

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