
Prayer activates my divine alignment

LIFE LESSON : Prayer serves as a potent tool, crafted to facilitate the harmonization and alignment of my personal aspirations with the divine will. A friend, having recently prevailed in a legal battle against an adversary, cautioned potential detractors against engaging in conflict with him. He emphasized the efficacy of his prayers against his enemies, suggesting that they fulfill his personal desires. Initially, I shared this perspective, believing prayer's purpose was to satisfy individual aspirations. However, this understanding deviates from the biblical perspective, which emphasizes prayer's purpose is to glorify his name (Matthew 6:9 TPT) . I have been able to reconcile these seemingly contradictory viewpoints when I accepted an invitation into the Kingdom of God, a roadmap to live life on earth so God’s plan can be fulfilled through me. In this roadmap, prayer becomes a posture of surrender that  facilitates intimacy with God leading to a  personal encounter. This po

Diversity sets us up for progess not uniformity.

LIFE LESSON : In South Africa, unity in diversity is the key to progress, rather than striving for uniformity. The recent election results that denied the majority vote to the ruling party ANC for the first time in 30 years got me thinking about what I thought was the best solution for our country and based on how I have been voting since 1994. I now realize that I have always believed that the solution for this country lies in people whose race, values and principles are similar to mine in other words I believed the solution for this country is in uniformity but the 75 year history of this country contradicts my belief because for at least 45 years this country was ruled by people whose race, values and principles were uniform, that ruling class brought us apartheid which left out the majority of South Africans ,this ruling class was replaced by another ruling class who in majority come from the same race, share same values and principles but 30 years later we now know that this rulin

Embracing the Kingdom aligns me with destiny

LIFE LESSON: The Kingdom of God is not simply heaven but rather a roadmap that harmoniously aligns my life on earth with the divine will. As I delved into the Bible, I noticed a recurring theme in Jesus Christ's teachings—the Kingdom of God. Initially, I associated the Kingdom of God with heaven, a place accessible only after death. As a result I struggled to reconcile this concept with my daily experiences. That was until I realized that Jesus was referring to a roadmap that serves to guide me to live on earth in alignment with God's will. Embracing the Kingdom of God as a roadmap transformed my understanding of my faith journey. It's not about fulfilling my desires or displaying my power but about showcasing God's power on earth (1 Corinthians 4:28). This posture enables me to partner with God, because it makes me acceptable to Him (Luke 22:18) so that through me, His power can be resurrected and manifested through supernatural activities (Luke 9:2). It all makes sens

True heritage is found in the Kingdom

LIFE LESSON: True identity is revealed when my heritage is grounded in the Creator Proponents of African spirituality contend that Christianity is not inherently African because it was not the original belief system of Africans. Initially, this argument made me feel less connected to my African identity, even though I respect and value my heritage. However, I have since come to understand that the Bible validates my African identity while also teaching that in order to effectively navigate life according to God's plan, I must prioritize my identity in the Kingdom of God over my African identity. The Kingdom of God serves as a framework for navigating life on earth, aligning my life with God's purpose, and preparing me to receive all that He has planned for me. This can only happen when I experience spiritual awakening, as described in John 3:5 TPT, which lays the groundwork for spiritual growth and activates my full potential. Embracing the Kingdom of God makes me acceptable to

Intimate process is the source miracles.

LIFE LESSON: Miracles are the consequences of a process that starts with an intimate relationship instead of once off events. In instances where people seek spiritual healing or solutions from religious figures only to face disappointment or financial exploitation, I often question the apparent lack of God’s intervention in such circumstances, because I know  what it is like to seek immediate relief,when going through hard times and I understand the desperation that leads people to take drastic measures which might lead to tragic consequences in search of relief but I've come to realize that God's preferred method of doing the supernatural on earth involves a gradual process rather than a single event. While God has the ability to perform miraculous acts at any moment, the Bible reveals that he favors a process that begins with a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, that leads to a personal encounter (John 4:50) . This encounter establishes a preferred partnership between

Presence in this lifetime should be the aim not heaven.

LIFE LESSON: Instead of exclusively fixating on reaching heaven post-mortem, the primary objective of Christianity should be forging a deep and meaningful connection with God in the current life. During my elementary school years, an overly zealous teacher made persistent efforts to convert us to Christianity. She instilled fear in us by emphasizing the repercussions of eternal damnation in hell and distributed religious literature to reinforce their message. As a result, my initial motivation for embracing Christianity was primarily driven by a desire to secure a place in heaven and avoid eternal punishment. While this consideration is undoubtedly significant, it should not be the primary reason for embarking on a spiritual journey. The ultimate purpose of a Christian journey is to experience the personal presence of God during our earthly existence. Through the roadmap of the Kingdom of God, we can access this presence. As human beings, we are inherently flawed and unworthy of God

Being chosen is choice not a privilege

LIFE LESSON: Being chosen is not a privilege granted to a select few; rather, it is the outcome of sustained dedication and diligent effort. Indeed, many are called, but few are chosen, as the scripture in Matthew 22:14 states. When I first encountered this passage, I was filled with doubt and questioned my own journey of faith because I do not see myself as privileged in this journey.. Therefore if only a privileged few could experience God's goodness, what purpose will my journey serve? As I delved deeper into my journey, I realized that being "chosen" is a conscious decision that I must make. It is a choice between living life according to the framework designed by God or conforming to the world's systems. Choosing the Kingdom of God as my framework for living frees me from the constraints and influences of the world system (Zechariah 9:11 TPT) . This process of choosing the Kingdom of God as a framework through which I live life on earth unfolds when I actively p

True knowledge is not found in rituals

LIFE LESSON: Religious rituals were an obstacle to my faith journey as they merely provided me with surface-level information about God’s attributes, instead of a deeper exploration of His character. Throughout my childhood in a denominational church, I saw the Cross primarily as a symbol of Jesus's sacrifice for my sins. While this theological tenet remains a core belief, my new faith journey, grounded in the principles of the Kingdom of God, has led me to a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the Cross. I now perceive it as a conceptual framework through which divine providence guides my life's purpose and direction. My former limited understanding stemmed from a faith journey based on religious rituals—man-made constructs for reaching God that differ from the biblical framework of the Kingdom of God. Abandoning this faith journey was necessary because it had several implications: Obstruction of My Relationship with God: My focus on fulfilling rituals rather than

I should find Rest In Peace in this lifetime

LIFE LESSON: Resting in peace is a struggle that I have to strive for in this lifetime not when I am dead. While listening to people being interviewed on various podcasts, I observed that many individuals frequently utter the phrase "May his or her soul rest in peace" when referring to the departed. This was a habit I also had before adopting the Kingdom of God as the framework through which I navigate life on earth, as in this framework, resting in peace is a gift that should be pursued during one's lifetime and is available to those who embrace the Kingdom of God (2 Thessalonians 1:2). As a dweller in the Kingdom of God, I recognize the importance of striving to rest in peace in this lifetime. This posture knits my heart in perfect unity with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 13:11). When I am in perfect unity with Christ, my spirit can faithfully harmonize with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:3) , enabling me to become the person God created me to be. To fulfill my God-given pu

Acts of kindness do not make me amiable to the divine

LIFE LESSON: My hostility against the divine plan cannot be rectified through mere acts of kindness because my concerns are anchored in the tangible realm, whereas God's purview extends beyond the physical, encompassing the invisible spiritual domain. I once believed that performing acts of kindness would make me more amiable to God, this belief has been challenged by my natural hostile disposition toward God. Acts of kindness based solely on self-effort and practiced outside the realm of God's kingdom are not enough to overcome my inherent nature. Outside the Kingdom of God I am unable to surrender to God's will (Romans 8:7 TPT). So, I embraced these acts of kindness because they are centered around doing for others. While these acts seemed selfless, my true motivations were impure. Deep down, I adopted this stance because I believed it would position me to receive God's blessings. Which means I positioned myself against God because instead of pursuing God himself, I