LIFE LESSON: The unseen is more important than the seen

There is a narrative that states when Christianity was introduced in Africa it was used to rob the inhabitants of their land and the consequences of these actions are the atrocities that have been implemented against African people for generations. I do not know with certainty whether this is factual or not but it was a bitter pill to swallow for me as I was growing up and I also think it is also partly the reason I did not fully commit to my Christian faith earlier on in life. Looking at all the evidence of atrocities in the continent it was fair to conclude that God did not really care about people on the African continent,if he cared he would not have allowed such atrocities to happen in his name. Unseen realm In this narrative the introduction of Christianity on the continent had a negative impact but in the unseen realm where God exists and operates, the introduction of Christianity has brought with it new knowledge about exploring the spiritual realm. Knowledge that did not exist...