
Showing posts from March, 2023

LIFE LESSON: The unseen is more important than the seen

There is a narrative that states when Christianity was introduced in Africa it was used to rob the inhabitants of their land and the consequences of these actions are the atrocities that have been implemented against African people for generations. I do not know with certainty whether this is factual or not but it was a bitter pill to swallow for me as I was growing up and I also think it is also partly the reason I did not fully commit to my Christian faith earlier on in life. Looking at all the evidence of atrocities in the continent it was fair to conclude that God did not really care about people on the African continent,if he cared he would not have allowed such atrocities to happen in his name. Unseen realm In this narrative the introduction of Christianity on the continent had a negative impact but in the unseen realm where God exists and operates, the introduction of Christianity has brought with it new knowledge about exploring the spiritual realm. Knowledge that did not exist...

LIFE LESSON : It is a book that gives insight to true identity

There is a line of thought that says the Bible is only relevant to Jewish people because it is a book about their history. The proponents of this line of thought also question its accuracy and authority. There was a time in my life when I embraced this line of thinking but it was just an excuse for me to not read the Bible. It felt like a logical excuse because the people behind this line of thinking have a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of culture and in some instances they are former Bible scholars. When I decided to use the Bible as my playbook for my journey to true identity, I realized that seeing the Bible as a history book of natural people in a natural world is missing the point.The Bible is a book whose tentacles extend beyond the natural realm, it extends beyond what is visible with a naked eye. Insight into spiritual Life experience in the natural world is a shadow of the true life experience that exists in the spiritual realm. To be who I was created to be I...

TESTIMONY: True faith is a consequence of reasonable thinking

While browsing social media platforms recently I came across a meme that shows a man leaving his brains at the door before entering a church.The point that is beng made with the meme is that Christians are brainless to put their faith in the unseen Creator. I was naturally offended when I first saw this meme, but then I had to consider that people have been made to drink petrol or eat grass in the name of the Christian faith. This made me understand how anyone can say thinking is not required to be a Christian. I could never understand or justify how anyone who is on a journey of faith can be passive enough to be lured to drink petrol or eat grass without thinking about the consequences, my journey of faith has been different. It required that I stop being passive and question everything I have been taught since childhood. My journey required that I do a lot of thinking and probing. Seeking faith When my denominational church failed to answer questions about life and the storms I have...

LIFE LESSON: Multiple access but one way to deliverance

I have been battling with this question: if Jesus is the only way to God what about other religions? Clearly other religions do not revere Jesus Christ; they acknowledge his existence but only see him as another Prophet. So how is it that they are able to access God without acknowledging him as is the requirement in the Christian faith? I had to consider that maybe he is not the only way to God there must be multiple ways to God. This consideration did not help clear it for me, instead it confused me further. Why would a loving God give us multiple options to get to him and leave it to us to figure out the best route? This does not line up with the character of God as taught in the Bible. There must be another explanation. Multiple gods The ultimate goal for any religion is to be delivered from sin and its consequences and the 3 major religions differ on how this is done. Islam and Judeasim teach that to be delivered from sin and its consequences requires faith and self effort. The Ch...

LIFE LESSON: Community is vital to journey towards destiny

There is a picture doing rounds on various social media platforms of a guy wearing a t - shirt reading “We have not left God we left the church ”. This is an indictment against the church because this sentiment is shared by many, considering the number of times this picture has been circulated and liked. It confirms that many people have walked away from the church because they feel let down. I also felt let down by church, when I encountered storms of life I approached the Priests at my denominational church for answers but they were unable to help. I decided to walk away because I did not see the point. I thought I could figure it all out by myself and for a few months it felt like I was making headway until I learnt that the journey towards destiny with Yahweh (God revealed in the Bible) cannot be done without church.  The redemption plan Yahweh (God revealed in the Bible) has a plan to reconcile humanity with himself. Our role in this plan is to: love Yahweh with all our h...

LIFE LESSON: True faith is motivated by grace not fear

I grew up in a Christian denominational church but when I was searching for meaning of life I unknowingly dabbled in New Age beliefs because my Christian faith did not teach me to connect my faith and the search to meaning of life .Whereas the connection between New Age beliefs and the search for meaning is very clear. Even though New Age beliefs had clearer connections to meaning of life I was still not content with the answers,it still felt like there was something missing. I then circled back to the Christian faith through a non denominational Bible teaching church, the move to circle back to my Christian faith was partly motivated by fear of the unknown. When I went outside my Christian beliefs through the New Age beliefs I did not find the answers I was looking for as a result I feared exploring any other unknown beliefs; it was therefore safer for me to go back to what was familiar. When I got to the point where I felt comfortable with my new perspective towards Christianity ...

LIFE LESSON: Limited access is a demonstration of love

In recent times in unrelated situations two friends asked “If Jesus is the only way to the Creator what happens to people who are in areas where they do not have access to the gospel? ”. I mumbled something in my effort to respond. I have also silently wrestled with this question but have never consciously sought the answer, so when the question was asked I did not know the answer as a result I gave an incoherent response. I wrestled with this question because I was really seeking a response to this commentary that was playing itself in my head  - It is unfair for a loving Creator to limit access to himself through one way when the gospel is not accessible to all people in the world. If I am to successfully navigate my journey towards wholeness with the Bible as my playbook I cannot afford to have important questions like this play in my head unanswered, I therefore took it upon myself to find a logical answer, for my sake I do not think I am qualified to conclude with certainty on...

LIFE LESSON: The revelation of Trinity is for our benefit.

I grew up in a denominational church which embraced the idea that the Creator is a Triune Being,therefore the term Holy Trinity is a term I am well familiar with and I thought I understood it until I heard a critic say “ 3 in 1 is a good description for a brand of shampoo and not a logical description of God.”. When I was not able to provide a counter argument against this statement I realized that I did not understand this concept of the One Creator in 3 persons, because “ if you can't explain it you don't understand it ”.  I have chosen the Bible as my playbook for my journey towards being who I was created to be, so it is critical that I fully comprehend this concept of a Triune Creator. I went on a journey to understand and explain it, this is how my journey unfolded. Created in His image The first thing I did was to consider that I was also created in 3 inseparable forms i.e. body, soul and spirit and the Bible says I am created in the Creator’s image so, I applied this lo...