
Showing posts from January, 2024

There is a subtle distinction between love and hate

Throughout my life journey, the story of the Cross and its association with Jesus Christ's sacrifice for my sins has been a familiar narrative. However, as I delve deeper into my spiritual journey within the Kingdom of God, I have discovered a profound significance that extends beyond mere redemption. The Cross stands as a powerful symbol, highlighting the striking contrast between God's lofty standards and my human limitations. In His immense love, God allowed His beloved Son to endure the Cross, not only to atone for our sins but also to demonstrate unwavering alignment with divine thoughts and plans. From a human perspective, it may seem incomprehensible that God would choose such a painful path to express His love. However, this deliberate act serves to emphasize the vast difference between human standards and God's. Aligning myself with His standards may temporarily feel like a regressive process. This pattern extends beyond the narrative of the Cross it permeates the ...

My suffering cultivates patience

When I faced hardships in life, many people close to me who followed African Spirituality advised me to seek help to find the source because in African Spirituality suffering is often viewed as a punishment for immoral behavior.However, I chose to follow the Kingdom of God instead. Surprisingly, my circumstances worsened, leading me to question my decision. But then I realized that, in the Kingdom of God, suffering is defined differently from African Spirituality. Now that I am part of the Kingdom of God, I am to embrace suffering as a joyful experience because suffering cultivates patience and endurance, which, in turn, bring about confident assurance of eternal salvation and hope in God's unwavering promises. During my times of suffering, God provides comfort and encouragement, enabling me to extend that same comfort and support to others who are also enduring hardships. Therefore, suffering plays a significant purpose within the Kingdom of God. To comprehend this purpose, I must...

A permanent perspective on life results in true life

When I am feeling down, I remind myself to be grateful for life. I recognize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am to be alive, and this is something to be thankful for. However, I have come to understand that life on Earth, as we know it, is temporary. The ultimate goal should be to strive for the permanent state of life where true life resides, in the Kingdom of God. Normally, the only way to access this permanent life is through death. However, Jesus's invitation into His Kingdom offers me the opportunity to experience this permanent state of life while still on Earth. Embracing this permanent state of life has a profound impact not only on my eternal destiny but also on my temporary life on Earth. It allows me to fulfill my true purpose and become the vessels through which God can bring supernatural elements into the natural world, influencing others toward Him. Living in this way may not always align with popular culture and can be challenging. However, the rewards far out...

Adversity is leading me to destiny

I've always wondered why God permits adversity in the world, especially when I witness terrible events. This question has always lingered in my mind, but I never actively sought the answer until I embarked on my journey of faith. When my life took a turn for the worse after accepting the invitation into the Kingdom of God, I was compelled to explore this question further. The question of why God allows adversity assumes that He exists to cater to my desires. However, the truth is that God exists to fulfill His own purpose of bringing heaven on earth. His will is to achieve this through me. Naturally, I want all my desires to be fulfilled. But my desires are influenced by what I perceive through my senses. Hence, the source of my desires is often spiritual blindness. While my desires might seem good to me, they may not align with God's desires. To address spiritual blindness, God planted His thoughts in me when I accepted His invitation into His Kingdom. However, there are kingd...

Saved to be broken

As I embarked on my spiritual journey, I learned that the path begins with salvation. Salvation represents the deliverance of the soul from the repercussions of sin. It is confirmed through the verbal acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord, coupled with the heartfelt belief that God resurrected Him from the dead. While it is a gift freely bestowed, I discovered that living out its implications would require a profound commitment and personal sacrifice. Although I realized that my salvation affects my eternal fate, I did not comprehend that God is more concerned with its impact on my current life. To fulfill God's purpose for my salvation in this lifetime, my soul must align with His thoughts and plans for my life. Since my soul naturally resists God's plans, it must be broken to achieve alignment. To achieve the divine restoration intended by God, it is essential to undergo the breaking of my soul. This process leads to a spiritual awakening, allowing me to surrender to God's w...

Self - awareness distracts me from being a champion

I recently came across this quote: "I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion" ,  on the surface it sounds noble and I initially thought this would be helpful to my walk in the Kingdom but as I meditated deeply on this I realized that self awareness will not be helpful in my walk of faith because in the Kingdom of God self-awareness is a twisted sin that leads to self-condemnation. Self-awareness is a mental state where I have to pay attention to myself and how my actions, feelings, or ideas match up with my inner rules. This means I have to think about myself first, which goes against the Kingdom command to put God first . It also means I have to prioritize my life experience in the physical world instead of my life experience in the Kingdom of God, adopting this posture will lead me to spiritual death . Self awareness is popularly passed on as wisdom but it has no value in my walk against my sinful impulses because it is about my ...

My natural instincts take me away from purpose

Previously, I believed that being a good person was as simple as following my instincts.  However, I have since discovered that this is not a Biblical principle. The Bible teaches that my natural instincts are at odds with God’s will. They are one of three forces on earth that are constantly at odds with the will of God, the other two being Satan himself and the world  system. This realization was initially disheartening, but it became clear to me when I realized that my instincts are governed by what I see, hear, and feel. In other words, my instincts are based on the temporal values of my life on earth, and they ignore the eternal values of life on earth, which are found in the unseen Kingdom of God. Relying on my instincts prevents me from understanding and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. To ensure that I do not rely on my instincts, I cooperate with God when His will for my life conflicts with my human desires, because His desires for me are not dependent on my natur...

Forgiveness is my true path to justice

When I am wronged or harmed by someone, I expect that the person who wronged me will be punished for their actions. I want them to suffer the consequences of their behavior. However, I have never felt like this expectation is met. Even when the person suffers exactly how I imagined and how I want them to suffer, it never feels like enough. I have been thinking about alternative ways to respond when I am hurt. I remembered  Nelson Mandela, and how he forgave the people who imprisoned him for 27 years because of his political beliefs. I believe it would be an appropriate response and would please God, if I followed Mandela's example and replaced my expectation of receiving true justice from human beings with forgiveness. In the Kingdom of God, true justice is overcoming evil with good. This means that true justice is only possible through divine intervention and it is not achievable on my own as a mere mortal. Only the divine God is good enough to overcome evil therefore my expectati...

My spiritual blindness is an obstacle to truth

When I first began my walk of faith in the Kingdom of God, I was instructed to read my Bible daily. I assumed this was simply so I could learn the stories and be able to quote Bible verses, but the true reason was because I am spiritually blind. Spiritual blindness is the inability to understand spiritual things. When it is not acknowledged, it leads to unbelief. It is a human default setting that made my pursuit of knowing Jesus intimately fruitless. It caused me to surrender to impurities and kept me blind to the mysteries of faith. Spiritual blindness kept me delusional about the realities of life and hindered my ability to fully satisfy God. It made me cling to the distractions of this world. The invitation into the Kingdom of God is an invitation to acknowledge spiritual blindness by salvation through Jesus Christ. When I accepted this invitation, his power was activated to permanently remove spiritual blindness, enabling me to overcome evil. The unveiling of my spiritual blindnes...

Kingdom elevation above church led me to truth

I have always been under the impression that Christianity is about elevating church above all else. I assumed that this is an appropriate response to a commandment to put God first. I also assumed that questioning anything about the church tradition or culture is tantamount to being unfaithful to God, because the culture in the denominational church that I came from did not encourage critical questions on church protocols. As a matter of fact I remember an incident when I was younger a group of youths who were older than me were labeled rebels because they dared to challenge the church elders on how things were conducted in church. This posture of prioritizing church above all else grew my knowledge of my denominational church traditions and culture but it did not grow my knowledge of the true God. The Kingdom of God is a spiritual realm where true knowledge about God resides.The church was created as an institution where knowledge about the Kingdom of God is to be taught, but human be...

Surrender positions me better for success than self effort

Everyone has a natural desire to live a life with purpose, but the road to finding and living that purpose can be daunting, confusing, and sometimes even discouraging.In my journey of searching for this life I was once told that the key to living a purpose-filled life is to focus on myself, but I've since learned that this advice is not in line with my walk in the Kingdom of God. To live a purpose-filled life in the Kingdom of God, I need to fully trust and rely on the Creator, and not rely on my own understanding because on my own, I'm unable to discern the spiritual realm where the truth about my life purpose resides. Therefore, focusing on myself will only take me further away from my purpose. When I fully surrender to the authority of the Creator, I simultaneously position myself against the kingdoms that are hostile to the will of the Creator. This posture will lead to the revelation of the Creator's purpose for my life. Full surrender is essential because it's a p...