True life purpose is a product of understanding not visualisation

On one occasion, I received advice on how to discover my life purpose. They said I should visualize it by filling my mind with what I want my life to be. They stressed the importance of doing this exercise for at least two minutes each day to cement the vision in my mind. That exercise may be sufficient to help me achieve my temporal life purpose, but I am no longer content with the temporal. I seek an eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God, and that requires me to dig deeper. My eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God is to fulfill the good works that the Creator has prepared in advance for me. I can only know what those good works are through spiritual understanding, which comes from prioritizing the Kingdom of God and its righteousness above all else. Filling my mind with what I want my life to be like will only lead me to the superficial values and customs of this world, which take me away from my true life purpose. Therefore, to fulfill my true life purpose, I will fill my ...