
Showing posts from December, 2023

True life purpose is a product of understanding not visualisation

On one occasion, I received advice on how to discover my life purpose. They said I should visualize it by filling my mind with what I want my life to be. They stressed the importance of doing this exercise for at least two minutes each day to cement the vision in my mind. That exercise may be sufficient to help me achieve my temporal life purpose, but I am no longer content with the temporal. I seek an eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God, and that requires me to dig deeper. My eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God is to fulfill the good works that the Creator has prepared in advance for me. I can only know what those good works are through spiritual understanding, which comes from prioritizing the Kingdom of God and its righteousness above all else. Filling my mind with what I want my life to be like will only lead me to the superficial values and customs of this world, which take me away from my true life purpose. Therefore, to fulfill my true life purpose, I will fill my ...

A true vision is given not self created

There’s a Bible verse that says if you don’t have a vision, you’ll perish. I used to think this meant I had to create my own vision to make sure my plans for the future were successful. But since I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, I’ve come to believe that the call to action isn’t to create my own vision. I now believe the call to action is to ask the Creator about His vision for my future. A vision in the Kingdom of God is the Creator’s supernatural path for my life. If I follow it, He promises to protect me. The Creator invites me into His Kingdom so He can protect me by giving me His vision. This vision helps me focus on the unseen and eternal, because the seen and temporal can lead me away from His plans for my life. Only through His vision can I fulfill my life destiny as He intended. My human sight is limited to what I can see. So my own self-created vision will also be limited. This makes me vulnerable to spiritual beings who want to lead me away from the Creator...

Destiny is to be aligned with not created

I used to believe that I had to create my own destiny. I thought that meant taking control of my life and shaping it into what I wanted it to be. However, this perspective suggests that destiny is something that I can control. According to the Kingdom of God this perspective is flawed because the Kingdom defines destiny as God’s wondrous promise of unity with humanity to fulfill His eternal plan on earth. My destiny is a preordained course that was determined before I was born but because of my sinful nature, I was always walking away from it. However, now that I have accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, my union with Jesus Christ positions me well to be aligned with it. Therefore, my role in determining my destiny is not to create it, but to align with it. To ensure that I am well aligned with destiny, I will familiarize myself with the Scriptures to gain the skill to understand and implement it. You can now follow my truth memoirs via Whatsapp. Click  here  to vi...

My journey to destiny seeks focus not random inspiration

It was my practice to seek out random inspirational quotes to assist me during times of difficulty. This worked for a while until it proved to be ineffective, and in fact, these quotes frequently left me feeling hopeless and empty. As a result, I discontinued seeking them out. I was unable to comprehend why these quotes had such a negative influence on me until now. God (of the Bible), who is the source of my faith journey, has a specific lane for me to travel on toward my destination. It was therefore unwise to seek inspiration in quotes that are based on life journeys that are rooted in unknown sources. My alignment with my created path toward destiny was activated when I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God. However, if I remain passive, I will not align myself with this path. My contributing action to the success of my alignment is to sacrifice my own desires for the desires of God (of the Bible)  To understand the differences between my own desires and the desires ...

Knowledge trumps sensuality

I used to say "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual" to explain why I left my denominational church religous teachings. I thought I was my own god and could access the spiritual realm on my own. But the truth is, the spiritual realm is invisible and can't be perceived with human senses. My human senses are spiritually blind, therefore believing I'm my own god is the blind leading the blind. When I rely on my human senses to perceive the spiritual realm, I won't get to true knowledge of truth. Instead I open myself up to being influenced spiritual domains that want to deceive me. They offer me the good life on earth, but they lead me astray in the spiritual realm. I unknowingly fulfill their agendas, which they don't make known upfront. That's why I chose the Kingdom of God as my gateway into the spiritual realm. The Kingdom of God's agenda is clear: to guarantee that I spend eternity with the Creator and to influence others towards the Kingdom by m...

Spiritual poverty will lead me to true awakening

Whenever I saw super rich individuals who claimed to be Christians I rejected them as true Christians because I associated true Christianity with poverty this was partly based on my lived experience of seeing poor people more committed to faith than rich people but when I put my thought to it this perspective was also influenced by a scripture that reads Blessed are the poor for they will inherit the Kingdom of heaven. When I realized that the poor in this verse refers to spiritual poverty, it gave me a whole new perspective on God. I learnt that to become spiritually poor I have to recognize that I can’t offer anything to the Kingdom of God on my own.     Having this mindset is important to my ability to experience the Kingdom of God in this lifetime because it allows God to satisfy my soul, which leads to true awakening. This awakening leads to greater love and abundant joy, which motivates me to give selflessly for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Spiritual poverty...

The cross is the source of true manifestation

In popular culture, manifestation is generally understood as the use of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to physical reality. Some popular tips for manifesting include: Thinking of something you want Visualizing it in detail Asking the universe for it Saying or writing positive affirmations in the present tens Looking for images that capture what you're trying to manifest  I did not actively use this strategy in my life, but I was not opposed to it. I would occasionally use it when it was convenient for me because it seemed like a good way to ensure that I achieved my goals. However, when I started to take my faith more seriously, I realized that this strategy is unbiblical. In the Bible, the unseen is the Kingdom of God, and the Creator’s will is to manifest it to the world through his gift of grace. He gives this gift to demonstrate his power on earth.Therefore, it is not my strength that enables the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in the world; rather, it i...

The flawed book is the source of the supernatural

The Bible is a book written by humans, so some people argue that it cannot be the ultimate truth because human beings are flawed. I used to believe this argument myself, but as I have grown in my faith, I have come to realize that the fact that the Bible was written by humans is actually a testament to how the Creator operates on earth. When I first started reading the Bible, I was amazed by how much it revealed about the Kingdom of God, a supernatural domain where the rule of Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I learned about my responsibilities in the Kingdom, as well as the Creator's promises . I also learned about the history of Creation and how to chart a path away from religion. As I continued to read the Bible, I was consumed by a fiery passion for Kingdom knowledge because I realized that the miracle wonders of the Kingdom of God are hidden in the Bible, and I was determined to keep my heart pure so that I could experience them. My Bible experience has been supernatural and huma...

Heaven is in both the future and present

As a child, I imagined heaven to be located in the sky because the Bible refers to it as "above". As I matured, I abandoned this belief, but I never questioned why the Bible referred to heaven in this manner. In my perspective both as a child and an adult, heaven seemed to be too far in the future, which was discouraging during difficult times when I needed it to be in the here and now. I only recently realized that heaven is referred to as "above" because it is located in the spiritual realm, which is a higher realm of existence than the natural realm in which I live. I also recently learned that, despite the fact that heaven is a future destination, God has graciously provided a means for humanity to experience heaven on earth. Heaven on earth is the Kingdom of God, which is the spiritual domain in which God's (of the Bible) power is manifested on earth. To access this realm, I must be born of both water and spirit. Being born of water is my  natural birth, wh...

I found true spiritual enlightenment in the Kingdom

The concept of spiritual enlightenment has become synonymous with self-realization and the ability to perceive the false self and the layers of social conditioning that obscure the authentic self.This concept of spiritual enlightenment was more appealing to me than the Bible teachings from my denominational church, because I could immediately apply it to my life, in contrast to the teachings from the church. Even after exploring this concept of spiritual enlightenment by reading various books and viewing videos of popular gurus who claimed to be enlightened, I did not reach a stage of self-realization. In fact, I felt like I was not making any progress because I was not becoming spiritually enlightened. I was more confused about my authentic self than when I began this journey. It was only after I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God that I felt like I was moving toward my authentic self. I did not know it at the time, but I now realize that the invitation into the Kingdom o...

True cleansing is activated by sacrifice

The recent media coverage of individuals drowning in rivers while conducting cleansing ceremonies for religious and cultural reasons has led me to reflect on the process of cleansing. Cleansing is a concept that is common to many religions and cultural practices, although the methods of implementation may vary. Despite these differences, there is a general consensus on the principle of cleansing. When I reflected on how various religions and cultural practices differ on the process of cleansing it made sense to me why as a citizen of the Kingdom of God I am prohibited to dabble in any other spiritual kingdom outside the Kingdom of God. The prohibition is for practical reasons and not a prohibition against my culture as an African as I have been previously made to believe. Cleansing in the Kingdom of God is a requirement as I strive to fulfill the will of the Creator. This cleansing is not a one-time occurrence; it is an ongoing process that I must engage in every day of my life. It is ...