My adversity stems from obedience

The argument that Christianity is anti-African because it prohibits African spirituality practices is one that I have heard many times. However, as I have continued on my own journey of faith, I have come to realize that there is more to the commandment than meets the eye. It is too simplistic to conclude that Christianity is against Africans. In African Spirituality adversity is a sign of disobedience but in Christianity adversity could be a sign of obedience. Whenever God intends to bring his people in alignment with his will he allows adversity in their lives by breaking their will,because by default the will of human beings is hostile to his will. God allows adversity When I choose to explore the spiritual realm as prescribed in the Bible, the process of aligning my will with God's will began. I could either fight this, in which case I will never be who God created me to be, or I could cooperate with it and experience God's power on a personal level.. The commandment agains...