LIFE LESSON: God is more interested in my destiny than my comfort.

God is more interested in me reaching my earthly destination than he is in me having a comfortable life.

I grew up understanding that God's interest in humanity is to serve us and make life comfortable.But my personal experience in the last few years seems to suggest otherwise a lot has gone wrong in my life despite my best efforts. None of my prayers have been answered, instead things have gone from bad to worse. As a matter of fact it seems the harder I try to get closer to God the worse my situation gets.

This has obviously left me discouraged and doubting my faith, but as I reflected on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ I realized that I feel the way I feel because my understanding of God is misguided and unbiblical.

The purpose for Jesus’s crucifixion was not only to die for our sins but it was also meant to demonstrate to us God’s interest in us while we are on the earth.


God’s interest in us is to restore us to be who he has originally created us to be.He created us to influence the earth by putting on display his true nature (Genesis 1:28). In other words our destiny on earth is to put on display the true nature of God and influence the world we live in.

When we give God our YES to his process of restoration 
he then starts the process to rid us of our self focus. We are by nature self focused and this stands as an obstacle to God’s purpose for our lives. The process to rid us of our self focus is very painful, from our natural perspective it looks like God does not care about us. I am sure the audience that was watching Jesus Christ being crucified were also thinking God did not care about him.

The process looks unfair and unjust but the pain is meant to drive us to our knees until we realize that without him we can never reach our destiny. When we yield to it we don't escape the pain but it helps us look at it with a different lens knowing that through us God is creating a vessel that he will use to reflect his true nature and influence the world.

God is more interested in me reaching my earthly destination than he is in me having a comfortable life.I therefore choose to focus on what God is doing and not on the pain that I am currently going through.

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