LIFE LESSON: God of the Bible limits access to himself to one way

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, the founder of Gift of the Givers, is one of my favorite living people. He makes me proud to be a South African, through Gift of the Givers he is making a positive impact in the lives of many people and not just in South Africa all over the world wherever there is a crisis.

Gift of the givers has such a good reputation that I believe many South Africans will call on them first, when in trouble before their own government. Dr Imtiaz Sooliman who is of Muslim faith puts on display the characteristics of Jesus Christ, a responsibility that should be borne by Christians.

When Jesus Christ was on earth in the Christian faith we believe he was God in the flesh and we are called to be like him. Dr Sooliman in my opinion is more Christlike than most Christians I know. So does this prove then that there is more than one way to God?

Are there multiple ways to God?

Human beings exist in two dimensions: the natural dimension and the spiritual dimension. The natural dimension is a temporary dimension whereas the spiritual dimension is a permanent dimension of our existence and it is superior to the natural dimension, meaning this is where real life sits. The spiritual dimension is not visible with our naked eye as is the case with the natural dimension.

The need for human beings to access the spiritual dimension is actually a search for God because God is a Spiritual being who exists in the spiritual dimension.There are various sources human beings use to access the spiritual dimension. These sources come in various forms, i.e. Bible, Koran, Ancestral Practices etc. 

These sources reveal divergent ways to access the spiritual dimension. In most cases these ways are so different they contradict each other. These contradiction have convinced me that it is not possible that these diverse ways are pointing to the same God. I believe the contradictions are actually proof that when we talk about God from different sources we are not referring to one God there are multiple gods.

So there are multiple ways to the spiritual dimension where various gods exist.

We are all searching for truth

The need for human beings to access the spiritual dimension is an acknowledgement that the source of truth does not come from the natural dimension in which we exist, it lies in the spiritual dimension. We are all on a journey searching for truth and for me this journey has landed me on the Bible which tells me there is only one way to God.

It is therefore my conclusion that there are many ways into the spiritual dimension but there is only one way to God as revealed in the Bible.

As much as there are differences to the gods that are revealed through various sources there are also some similarities and this explains why Dr Sooliman of the Muslim faith puts on display characteristics that I aspire to attain in my Christian journey.

I acknowledge that as Christians  we have a reputation of looking down on anyone whose source of truth is different from ours. I personally believe that it is disrespectful not to acknowledge the spiritual experiences of others whose journeys have landed them to a different source than mine.My motivation for choosing God revealed in the Bible over others is that being right with him is a gift that he made freely available to me even though I did not deserve it.

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