TESTIMONY : Dont pray hard, pray consistently

Recently while searching for accommodation I went through 3 deals which all fell through at the last minute. After the 3rd deal fell through a friend asked me whether I have been praying and I said yes, and she advised me to pray harder.

Pray hard is a phrase we commonly use, I have used this phrase or thought of it because of the belief that the harder I pray the more likely that God will fulfill my expectations.

This belief is based on the assumption that God exists to fulfill my plans but in truth I exist to fulfill God’s plan on the earth. A plan that is meant to impact the lives of others and benefit me.

No is also an answer 

On the 4th attempt to find accommodation a deal was finally sealed. It is not in the location I would have personally chosen but a deal was finalized nevertheless

When the other 3 deals fell through I really thought God was not hearing me or he had deserted me and truth be told I felt guilty because I thought I did not pray hard enough.

Even though I was feeling guilty for not praying hard I did not pray harder. I just continued praying daily even though it seemed my prayers were hitting a wall. Now that all is settled when I look back I realize that even though the 4th deal is not in the location I would have chosen for myself but it is definitely the best value for money.

So with the benefit of hindsight I now know that God was answering my prayers all along even in the other deals which fell through.I just did not want to believe that NO could be God’s answer because it is not the answer I wanted. 

Consistent Prayer

When my expectations were not met I continued praying even when I thought God had deserted me. I believe consistent prayer is the reason I can now look back and see God’s hand in my situation.

Prayer is a tool God has given us to keep us in his presence. When I pray consistently it also means I keep myself in his presence long enough to appreciate his work in my life especially in times when my expectations are not aligned with his plans.

My takeaway is that praying hard keeps me focused on what I want but consistent prayer lets me in on what God is doing in my life.

There are still many prayers about my life that are either not answered or the answers have left me with more questions than answers but I will not stop praying so that I remain in his presence long enough to know his plans for my life.

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