LIFE LESSON: Christianity is a journey not a destination

To endure my journey I need to focus on things that keep me in it even when the benefits are not visible to the naked eye.

I have recently started running, this has been an on and off journey for me, but this time my perspective on it is completely different from any other instance I started this journey.

In the past when I started running my perspective had been that running will help me lose weight and/or keep me fit, even though I am enjoying the benefits of losing weight and being fit my perspective on running has completely changed since I noticed the parallels between running and my spiritual journey.

The benefits of running are not immediately visible it is easy for me to get discouraged, so there are three areas of focus I concentrate on when I am on the road to help me endure the run.

Breath - I breathe differently when I am warming up than when I am in full running mode, I also breathe differently when I run uphill than when I run downhill. Incorrect breathing makes me run out of breath too quickly that prevents me from doing the full distance.
Hands - When I am running uphill I focus a lot more on the motion of my hands than I do when I am running on a flat surface or downhill, because the power to pull my body up the hill is in the motion of my hands.
Strides - My strides on a flat surface or downhill are longer than my strides on an uphill, this is so because my body requires a lot more energy running uphill than downhill short strides uphill helps me preserve the energy.

These 3 areas of focus help me stay focused on the run itself even when I do not see immediate results or face an unforeseen obstacle. These 3 areas of focus help me hold on to the belief that running is good for my body and health, irrespective of how I feel at that moment.

The benefits of my spiritual journey  not visible to the naked eye and there are a lot of life distractions who are intent on steering me away from this journey. So similar to my running journey there are three areas of focus that helps me endure my spiritual journey.

Holy Spirit - When I accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life I also recieved in me the Spirit of God through which he guides me on how to live in this world as if I am in heaven where his command reigns supreme.
Word Of God - The Bible is the Word of God which I use to discern the truth from lies whenever I am confronted with life difficult situations.
Prayer - I use prayer to remind me of God’s presence that is always with me even when life difficulties say otherwise.

My journey as a runner has made me realize that contrary to my previously held belief, my life of faith as a Christian is not a destination but a lifetime journey that needs to be endured to realize its full benefits.

To endure this journey I need to focus on things that keep me in it even when the benefits are not visible to the naked eye.I must just keep faith in the knowledge that this journey is working out for my good and the good of my loved ones..

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