LIFE LESSON: God wants to speak to his people

A few years ago I bought a book that was recommended by a book club at the local Anglican Church where I was a member. The book was inspirational in fact I recently read the book again and I still found it relevant. This book was naturally a Christian book and the author kept referring to instances where God spoke to him.

When the author made these references where God spoke to him it made me feel uneasy because where I come from not much was said about hearing the voice of God. I don’t remember hearing a testimony or the Preacher telling us about a conversation he/she had with God indicating that they can hear God. We were also never taught how to discern the voice of God so I assumed that God no longer speaks today to individuals as he spoke in the bible days he only speaks through specially selected people.

This assumption raised other questions for me, for instance if God no longer speaks today how am I supposed to know his purpose for my life? Who are these people selected to hear from him and what makes them special?
I got more out of the book when I read it the second time around because my understanding of whether God speaks today or not has changed.


In the beginning God spoke and all creation came into being. He then created man to represent him in the world to fulfil his purpose. In the Old Testament we learn that God spoke through selected people and prophets to get his will done.

In the New Testament we learn that when the people of God acknowledged Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour he fills them with his Spirit that enables them to fellowship intimately with him as his children.

It is through this intimate relationship that he speaks to them to reveal his purpose for their lives and to guide them to fulfil it. The New Testament also teaches us that it has been God’s plan all along to reconnect with his people and speak to them directly so that through them he can make an impact in the world for his glory to be put on display.

I believe God manifests his will in the world by speaking, we just need to position ourselves to hear him by acknowledging his way of getting to us (Jesus Christ) and instead of our way of getting to him (Religion)

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