LIFE LESSON: I do not pray to move God
In our country whenever there is a disaster our government and church leaders will declare a specific day for prayer. These days of prayer are never declared when there is a reason for the country to celebrate, so this made me associate prayer with times of need. In other words I thought prayer is only necessary when I am in a crisis.
I also had never personally experienced God answering any of my prayers as I wanted them or when I wanted them answered and I have also seen one too many people who have prayed to God for their loved ones to be healed but instead of healing they would die. So this was confusing because I have always believed that the purpose of prayer is to make God fulfil my wish list.
I now realize that my concept about prayer was misguided, because prayer is not about making God do my will and it is not only necessary in times of crisis.
Higher version of myself
The primary purpose of the gospel is salvation and the secondary purpose for the gospel is so that God can restore me to be the version God had in mind when he created me. The version of me that displays God’s love and power and also makes an impact in the lives of others.
To enable me to be the higher version of me as God had intended requires me to be fully dependent on God which means I have to be in frequent daily communication with him and prayer is the tool God made available for me to be in constant communication with him.
Purpose of prayer
The main purpose of prayer is to communicate with God, it is a 2 way street which means I tell God about my side of things but I also make time to hear him so I can know his will about what I have just told him.
In the journey to be who God says I am there are many distractions designed to take me away from my destiny and in those instances I have to use prayer to remind myself of God’s power and to remind myself of who God says I am. This helps me stay on course and aligned to God’s will for my life.
We all have a default tendency to be self-absorbed especially when life is not treating us well and this could also be an obstacle to the journey of being the higher version of myself. This is the reason the gospel encourages praying for others so that for a brief moment I could take the focus away from me and think of others who are also going through troubles in their lives.
So I do not pray to move God so he could fulfil my will I pray to move me so I could be aligned with God’s will.
To position myself to be the higher version of me I pray daily irrespective of my circumstances.