LIFE LESSON: God is not a concept

I have always admired religious people with the following characteristics:

Efficient with church rules and regulations – In the Anglican Church there is an Anglican prayer book which is used to navigate various church services depending on the occasion. There were people I knew at church who knew this book inside out, they knew which page to turn even before the Priest announced it, they even knew the Hymn numbers off by heart and they also knew when to stand and when to sit down.

This started bothering me when I started seeing people my age and sometimes younger than me mastering this book. It bothered me because clearly I was not paying enough attention in the church to which I belonged all my life.

Regular church goers – I went to church fairly regularly but sometimes golf or some other activity would get in the way of church but I knew some people who would never allow anything getting in the way of church they would schedule their Sundays around church. They were also very active in church as members of various church committees.

I had no passion for being involved in church committees and my Sundays were scheduled around everything else and church would have to fit in with my schedule. So these guys made feel guilty but I admired them

Bible knowledge – These guys had so much knowledge of the bible they were able to quote scriptures at a drop of a hat. It seemed to me they were passionate about the bible more than I had ever been. I relied on the Priest to interpret the bible for me but these guys were on a different level from me so I looked up to them.

All three of these characters had one thing in common, their lives outside church were no different from mine. I admired them one day a week but the rest of the week the playing fields were level again so there was nothing about their lives that made me want to take the next step to be like them.

Looking back at this I now realise that to these guys God was just a concept to be explored only on Sundays, and I admired them because I believed this was pleasing to God but as I journey in understanding the gospel I find it is not so.


When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden it led to humanity being disconnected from God, but he has since that day been putting in place a plan to reconnect. God wants to reconnect with us so that through us he can display glory by making an impact in the world.

This reconnection is through Jesus Christ and it enables us to have a personal relationship with God Almighty


He wants a personal relationship with us so he can guide us to emulate the life of Jesus Christ as a pattern because this leads us to experience God’s love and power on a personal level to position us to be his perfect vessels that displays his glory and impacts the lives of others.

Therefore God’s will for me is not to keep him as a concept but to know him personally so I can personally experience his love and power.

I now look up to people with a personal relationship with God whose lives put on display God’s love and power as they impact the lives of others 

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