LIFE LESSON: Nothing is more valuable than my soul


When I Googled what is the most important thing in life a lot of different things come from different sources but almost all agree that relationship with others is the most important thing in a human life.


In Mark 8 :37 Jesus asks what could be more valuable than my soul? The soul is defined as a life principle, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body. In other words all human actions is decided  in my soul. This the reason God wants to capture my soul

God wants me to make Jesus Christ the Lord of my souls. It is through the soul  that human action is driven i.e. it is the engine of my human action. 

When I give up my soul to Jesus Christ I am guaranteeing the eternal future of my soul through the salvation that comes with this commandment and I am making it easy for God to use me as a vessel for his purpose and to bless others

My relationships with others are valuable but they should not be prioritized over the health  of my soul.


My relationship  with others is not the most valuable thing in my life, the health of my soul is the most valuable thing in my life.

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