LIFE LESSON : The Bible is more than just a rulebook for me


I have always seen the Bible as a book of rules for Christians to follow.


God exists in the spiritual realm and we exist in the natural realm this means with our natural eyes we cannot see or perceive God. In his wisdom God provided us with the Bible so that with the help of the Holy Spirit we can get to know him and to know his character and that knowledge empowers us to have our spiritual eyes opened so we can perceive and experience God.

The Kingdom of God is a place in the spiritual realm where everything is under the authority of Jesus Christ. I believe God does not want us to wait for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ before we experience his Kingdom; he wants us to experience it while we live here on earth. The Bible  guides us on how to live here on earth as if we are in heaven. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we immediately receive the Holy Spirit which enables us to understand the Bible and also helps us implement what the Bible teaches us.


The Bible is more than just a book of rules for Christians to live by it is a guidebook on how to live on earth as if in heaven

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