LIFE LESSON : Money is NOT the root of all evil


The phrase money is the root of all evil is very popular to a point that there is also a view that the only way to accumulate real wealth is by getting involved in shady deals. As a result wealthy people in some circles are always viewed with suspicion


Money is a medium of exchange in this world; it is a resource from God that allows people to obtain what they need to live. There are many things in this world that money can be used for so how can it be the root of all evil? 

In Matthew 6 :31 - 33 Jesus tells his audience to stop worrying about material wealth instead they should focus on God and he will provide for their needs. I believe with this scripture Jesus is teaching me to change my perspective on money and treat it as a resource and not the source because God is the source of everything.

In other words, I should focus on the creation and not the Creator to stay on in his will.

Money is not the root of evil but my perspective on money  i.e. treating it as a source and not the resource is the root of all evil

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