LIFE LESSON: Regular church attendance does not equal love for God


I grew believing that to demonstrate my love for God I have to attend church regularly


The Bible teaches me that to be an effective Christian I have to be an active member of a Bible teaching Church, so regular church attendance is a good thing for me as a Christian.

What I am also learning from the Bible is that regular church attendance is for my benefit as it is where I can grow Spiritually within a community of like minded people. Therefore going to church demonstrates my interest in my spiritual growth.

In James 1:12 I am taught that those who remain faithful to God while facing trial are blessed and will receive a reward that God promises to those who love him.

In other words it pleases God when we remain faithful to him even in our times of trouble and he rewards us with the blessings promised to those who love him.


Regular church attendance is for my benefit but remaining faithful to God even in times of trouble  is a demonstration of my love for him

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