TESTIMONY: The commandment “Do not worship other gods but me” is for our benefit


I have always believed that the commanded God gave to his children that they should not worship other gods/idol other than him was given for his benefit because he is a jealous God. 


A few weeks ago while on my morning run I noticed an Allen key lying on the road. I ran past it but something said I should pick  it up as it was a small sized key which I had always struggled to find and I might need it someday so I went back and picked it up, put it in my pocket and continued with my run. I never thought about it again.

A week later my wife told me about a fixture in the kids bathroom that had fallen off the wall and needs to be fixed, I knew it

required an Allen key and I also know I did not have the right sized Allen key for this job, I  tried using other tools but I could not find the right tool and my wife then told me about an Allen key she saw in my son’s bedroom so I tried it but it was one size too big so I could not use it either. Only then I remembered the Allen key I picked up on the road but I could not remember where I had put it searched the shorts I was wearing that day but I could not find it. I did not know what I had done with it.

A few days went by with my wife unhappy with me that I have not been able to sort this fixture out, to be honest I could have gone and bought myself a new set of Allen keys and the problem would have been solved but this happens in a season of my life where money is tight so I could not go to buy myself a set so I decided I would give it some time and a solution would come up.

One morning whilst brushing my teeth preparing  for my morning devotion, I felt an urge to look in one of the drawers on the  sink and lo and behold I found an Allen key that I picked up on the road, I must have put in there after my run that day but for some reason I forgot.

The Allen key I found in the bathroom sink drawer was the exact size I needed to fix the fixture in the kids bathroom and my problem was solved.

My reflections from this incident

1.God is faithful to his children even with little things like an Allen key. I am convinced it was the Holy Spirit that allowed me to see this small Allen key lying on the road and urged me to pick it up a week before I needed it.

2. Someone else could attribute this to luck or coincidence or even ancestors but I have taken God in his Word when he commanded his children to worship him only and should not mix him up with other gods/idols. Luck/coincidence/ancestors these are all idols/gods. So as far as I am concerned, luck/ coincidence/ ancestors no longer feature in my vocabulary. Every good thing that happens in my life is attributed to God.


God commands us not to worship other gods/idols for our benefit and not his and here is why: worshipping God while worshipping other idols/gods prevents us from fully appreciating his power and faithfulness.

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