LIFE LESSON: God is more interested in changing me than he is changing my circumstances.


I have been taught that God does not want to see me in unpleasant circumstances which is why he is interested in changing my circumstances whenever I face unpleasant circumstances.


God wants to use me to fulfill his purpose and to be a blessing to others, but due to my sinful nature I am by default unable to submit to his direction Romans 8:7.

Therefore God allows unpleasant circumstances in my life so he can use them to change me so that I can learn to submit to him so he can fulfill his purpose and bless others through me.

Joseph said it better in Genesis 50:20 - You meant evil against me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 

In other words the enemy is responsible for all the bad in my life but as a child of God, he uses that bad to accomplish his purpose by changing me.

It is true that God does not want to see me in unpleasant circumstances but he is more interested in changing me than he is in changing my circumstances.

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