LIFE LESSON: Jesus did not come to save me from taking up my cross


I have always understood that Jesus took up the cross to save me from taking the cross.


In reading the Bible  I came across a scripture where Jesus tells his disciples if they truly want to follow him they must be willing to share his cross (Matthew 16:24).

I believe Jesus is implying in this scripture that if I want to follow him I will also have to take up my own cross. So then the question remains why then did he come to earth to be killed on the cross if not to save me from going to the cross? I believe Jesus came to earth to teach me the Good News about the Kingdom of God and  to fulfill God’s purpose for his life i.e. to reconcile God with humanity. 

He took up the cross to demonstrate to me that in order to fulfil God’s purpose for my life that is what I will have to do.


Therefore Jesus did not take up the cross to save me from taking my cross  but he took it up  to demonstrate to me that to fulfill God’s purposes for my life I have to take up my own cross..

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