
Showing posts from October, 2023

True change starts with transformation

My search for truth and meaning of life started when I recognised that I need change in my life, this was  motivated by a realisation that my religious upbringing was not providing me with the answers I was seeking.I then tried New Age beliefs, but they were also unsatisfactory. I now believe that the reason both of these things failed to satisfy me is because religion offered me rules and regulations, while New Age beliefs taught me partial truths about the spiritual realm. They both offered me changes that are rooted in the physical realm, while the Kingdom of God offers a deeper kind of change that is rooted in the spiritual realm to impact my spirit and soul. Spiritual transformation The Kingdom of God offered me a spiritual transformation that starts from the inside out and changes my character so that I am well-positioned to be used for Kingdom purposes. My spiritual transformation is more important in the Kingdom than my physical transformation, and it requires me to submit ...

Its repentance before baptism

I was baptized as an infant in accordance with the tradition of the denominational church in which I was raised. Infant baptism is not practiced by all denominations of the Christian faith, as some prefer to baptize adults. This always troubled me, as I could not understand why there is no consistency in the interpretation of this ritual, if it is as important as it is claimed, especially when all denominations of the Christian faith read from the same Bible. I then decided to conduct my own research on this subject, and to my surprise I learned that my infant baptism was nothing more than a religious ritual that had no impact on the Kingdom of God. Water Baptism When I accepted an invitation into the Kingdom of God, in the spiritual realm I was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit, activating my salvation. Water baptism is a physical act to acknowledge what has happened in the spiritual realm. It is a public declaration of the unity of my spirit with Jesus Christ. When water baptis...

I choose a life that priortise faith over my abilities

The biblical injunction to "be fruitful and multiply" is often used in weddings to encourage newlyweds to produce offspring. This led me to believe that fruitfulness meant demonstrating my abilities. However, as I have journeyed in the Kingdom of God, I have come to realize that I misunderstood the meaning of this Scripture.  Fruitfulness in the Kingdom of God means evidence of spiritual growth and faith in Jesus Christ. It is a call to make my life a living testimony of faith in Jesus Christ, so that I may be useful for the purposes of God on earth. Being fruitful allows me to love others the way God loves them, by prioritizing their material and spiritual well-being and influencing them towards the Kingdom of God. Fruitfulness is activated when I keep my trust and hope in the Lord even in unfavorable circumstances. Therefore to create a life on earth that is useful for the purpose of the Creator, I will create a life that testifies about my faith, not my abilities, so that ...

I no longer seek autonomy

As a teenager, I was eager to leave home and become independent. As an adult, I started my own business so that I would not have to be dependent on others for my livelihood. Autonomy has always been a driving force in my life. I have always sought autonomy, not just from my parents and employers, but also from the Creator. I had not accepted His invitation into His Kingdom, and so I was unknowingly seeking autonomy from Him as well. Now that I have accepted His invitation, I am learning that autonomy is not an attribute that leads to prosperity in the spiritual realm where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. When I accepted His invitation into the Kingdom of God, I was declared independent from the spiritual domains that are hostile to the Creator. My independence from these kingdoms made me dependent on the Creator. This dependence on the Creator has allowed me to understand the mysteries of the spiritual realm that are beyond my human understanding, and it has positioned me well to receive ...

I dont desire self confidence as a superpower

Self-confidence is defined as the acceptance and trust of oneself, as well as a sense of control over one's life. It is often said to be a superpower because once one begins to believe in themselves, magic happens. I have looked up to people who have displayed this attribute clearly in their lives, and it is an attribute that I have aspired to have and tried to instill in my children. However, I have come to believe that self-confidence is not the answer. It requires that I trust in my own abilities while ignoring the realities of the spiritual realm. It forces me to only focus on my reality in the physical realm, this will hinder my journey of life in the Kingdom of God. Selflessness, on the other hand, is defined as considering both the physical and spiritual well-being of others ahead of my own, even when they do not deserve it. It is a demonstration of underserved mercy, the same mercy that has been shown to me by the Creator. When I consider both the physical and spiritual wel...

Independence is an obstacle to my true identity

My life strategy was originally founded on the belief that I must rely on my own strength and not depend on anyone or anything in order to be successful in this world. In other words, I believed that independence was essential for success. While it is true that I can achieve my dreams and be successful if I work hard enough and overcome all obstacles, this kind of success comes at the expense of my true identity, which is the identity that the Creator intended for me. Now that I have acquired this new knowledge about the Kingdom of God, I am no longer content with achieving success at the expense of knowing my true identity. The stakes have now been raised. I want to be successful in this lifetime without compromising my true identity. Therefore, I need a new strategy. My old strategy ignored the reality that there is a battle in the spiritual realm to influence my soul. In this battle, there are two sides: one side whose mission is to influence me away from the Creator, and the other ...

The key to my destiny is submission not service

Several years ago, I encouraged a few friends to contribute monthly to a grocery fund for a child-headed family in a nearby squatter camp. My friends did not let me down; most of them not only wanted to donate money, but also wanted to be actively involved in buying and delivering the groceries. I was very proud of this initiative, as I believed I was serving the Creator and doing good work. However, this service was not good enough in the spiritual territory, where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I do not exist to fulfill my own plans; I exist to fulfill the Creator's plan for my life. And in order for this plan to be revealed, I first need to accept the invitation into the Kingdom of God, and then fully submit to the King. When I started this initiative, I had not accepted this invitation. I was therefore a fool to think I was serving the Creator when in fact I was serving my own ego. I have now accepted the invitation into the Kingdom, but in order for the details of the plan for m...