
Showing posts from May, 2023

Exclusivity is the power that positions me to true identity

The first commandment in Christianity is to worship God (of the Bible) exclusively at the expense of other gods. I have always wondered whether this is set as a barrier to knowledge of my identity as an African because this commandment forbids recognition and worshiping of ancestors, a practice that is linked to my African heritage .This commandment seems like a deliberate obstacle to knowing my roots as an African. The people I admire and respect who are proponents of African spirituality always point to this commandment as proof that Christianity is anti African and no self respecting African should be following it. This left me doubting the motives of Christianity against my heritage as an African. But I now understand that the commandment is not made to drive me away from my African heritage but to drive me towards God (of the Bible) who is the Creator of all things, positioning me well to know my true identity. Warfare There is a warfare in the spiritual realm to either influence ...

Manifestation is NOT my power to true life

The power of manifestation or visualization is real . I heard this a lot from people I looked up to and I was hooked. Manifestation or visualization is a mental technique that involves imagining yourself in a certain situation to help yourself actually get there in real life. Even though I was hooked I struggled with its application to a point I felt inadequate because many people did not struggle with it as much as I did. They seemed to be on the right path to reach their goals through this technique. I felt inadequate until I learnt that this technique is flawed because it relied on the vision driven by my personal desires whose perspective is limited to one dimension, the natural realm. The Bible recommends that to live a true life of contentment, I need the supernatural vision from the Creator. Supernatural vision My life experience in the natural world is influenced in the supernatural dimension so to truly live my life to its full potential I need insight into the supernatural di...

The mission is to encourage alignment with the ONE

Growing up in a denominational church I was taught my mission as a Christian is to help the poor or those who are less privileged. I took this seriously and when I could afford it I initiated a charity drive with friends where we adopted a child headed household in a nearby squatter camp and we each contributed towards their monthly groceries. This initiative went well until extended family members of the adopted household started getting involved and created chaos. We then realized that the problems facing the family were way above what we were able to offer,this led to the collapse of the initiative. I was personally disappointed because it felt like I was losing a platform to do the Lord’s work. When I look back I realize that the initiative was good work but it was not necessarily the Lord’s work. I did not understand the purpose of the mission that as a Christian I am called to participate in. The Mission The primary purpose for doing the Lord’s work or doing the mission that Chri...

Inner voice impedes my journey to destiny

“When I hear my inner voice and follow it, I can walk my own path.” This is a popular societal belief that I fully embraced, after all I believed my inner voice is the voice of God that I inherited at birth.So it made sense to follow this voice to help me in my journey to destiny. It made sense until I learnt that my inner voice is not necessarily the voice of God (of the Bible) nor does it have the best intentions for me and my journey towards destiny Multiple voices My natural life experience is influenced in the spiritual realm, this means my journey to destiny is influenced by spiritual beings. These spiritual beings are fighting for my attention to either influence me towards God (of the Bible) or away from him. The influence towards God is the Kingdom of God and the influence away from him is satan, the values of this world and my own spirit. Contrary to my previous belief the ability to hear the voice of God is not an inheritance that I receive at birth, I have to deliberately c...

Ultimately self-help is NOT the greatest help

All my life I have believed that the greatest help for my ambitions is self help. This belief was inspired by the expression " God helps those who help themselves" , because I thought the expression was a direct quote from the Bible. As it turns out the expression was not a quote from the Bible, in fact neither the expression nor the concept of self help lines up with the teachings of the Bible. Self Sacrifice The visible realm in which I exist does not give me a full view of life experience. To fully comprehend my life experience I need access into the invisible realm because this is where real life happens. When I adopt the self-help concept I only have limited access therefore limiting my life experience to the desires of the visible realm. To consider my desires in the invisible realm I need legitimate access into the invisible realm. God has an open invitation for me to legitimately access the invisible realm also known as the Kingdom of God.When I accept this invitation...

Life is temporary but eternal life is forever

In my journey of searching for truth one of the mindsets I embraced  about life (outside my Christian faith) was that I should not to hold too tight to anything in this life because life on earth is temporary. I believed this mindset would work well in situations where I experience unwanted loss. It was easy to embrace this mindset when life was going well but when difficult life circumstances happened I had further questions about the source of these difficult circumstances but I could not find answers through this mindset.  I then realized that the Bible says the same thing about this life being temporal but it goes further by encouraging me to embrace a permanent life that is available now in this lifetime. Eternal Life  Eternal life traditionally used as reference to a continued life after death, but according to the teachings of the Bible it is available now in this lifetime, there is no need to wait for death to experience it. Living a life that flows from the ...

True success is a consequence of not getting what I want

My definition of success has always been getting what I want, this is the same logic I used to justify my respect for suicide bombers. While I did not justify their actions, I respected their commitment to their cause to a point of giving up their lives to achieve what they want. I once joked that South Africa would have achieved liberation sooner if we had suicide bombers in our midst fighting the apartheid government. I respected suicide bombers because they had done something I was not willing to do, I was not willing to do anything that will require a commitment to death. I was just not that brave. So imagine my surprise when I learnt that to be successful as a Christian I am required to commit to the death of something in my life? Living Sacrifice My personal desires are by default hostile to the unseen realm which is reigned over by Jesus Christ ( the Kingdom of God), to successfully explore this realm I have to commit to the death of my personal desires. When I choose death to m...