LIFE LESSON: Power to succeed is within reach not within me

I have read quite a few self-help books and followed a few popular self-help gurus in my journey to find meaning and purpose. One common message that is communicated through these self-help books and gurus is that we must dig within ourselves to find the power to succeed because the power is in us.

This journey circled me back to Christianity but this time I let Christianity describe itself through the Bible, through this understanding I found out that in fact Christianity if practiced as prescribed by the Bible offers something much more superior than the self-help books and the gurus. 

Biblical definition of success

The first thing I learnt is that the Biblical definition of success is much more than just material wealth and it is not about us as individuals it is a lot bigger. It seeks to satisfy our inner being, it is designed to make us whole so we can be successful in all areas of our lives, not just materially. 

This kind of success positions us to be who God has created us to be so that through us he can put his glory on display for many others to be provoked towards him.This kind of success is not achievable in our own natural strength. 

Spiritual insight is required

The natural dimension in which we exist is the shadow of the spiritual dimension. This means the ammunition we need to fully understand our lives in the natural dimension is in the spiritual dimension. Therefore to achieve the biblical definition of success we need insight into the spiritual dimension and God in his mercy offers us this insight through a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

A relationship with Jesus Christ has always been within reach but I went looking for the power to succeed elsewhere i.e. within me, instead of tapping into what was already in front of me because I had not taken the time to read and study the Bible for myself.

It is possible to achieve some kind of success in my own strength or through other means but to achieve the wholesome success that satisfies the soul, I need to get insight into the spiritual dimension on the terms God has revealed through the Bible. 

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