LIFE LESSON: Luck is God's divine intervention

Recently I needed to get to a meeting in Woodmead. I used the Gautrain and to get to the venue I had to get on the Gautrain Mini bus. After the meeting as I was walking back to the bus stop to catch the bus back to the station I realized that I did not have my cellphone with me. I tried to remember when was the last time I had used it, I remembered that I last used it before I boarded the bus.

So I was hoping I lost it in the bus and the driver picked it up and gave it back to the lost and found offices at the Gautrain station, but I first went back to my meeting venue to ensure I did not leave it there but I did not find it when I got there. So I walked back to the bus stop and the bus came through. It turns out it was the same bus I used when I went to my meeting. When I told the driver about my story he told me he found my phone and he had not yet given it to the lost and found offices, he then gave it back to me because he remembered me. I was very relieved and I thanked him.

As we were on route to the station I overheard a conversation between the bus driver and another passenger about how lucky I was that I got on the same bus where I lost my phone but my interpretation about the turn of events is very different to theirs.

Focusing on spiritual dimension

The reality is when I did not find my phone at the meeting venue when I went back, I started to panic. I still had hoped that somehow the phone was handed to the lost and found offices at the station but at the same time all sorts of other negative possibilites started to fill up my head so I panicked.It was at that time I remembered a bible scripture that says “he makes all things work together for the good of those who are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28.

As I was waiting for the bus I started meditating on that scripture at that point I did not know whether I would get my phone back or not but through meditating on that scripture I knew that however this ends it will end well for me and it did.

So the reason I felt better is because meditating on that bible scripture took my focus away from the natural dimension to the spiritual dimension and even though I did not have the full details of how this will play out, I knew it was going to end well for me.

I believe that it is God's will that I focus on the spiritual dimension in his own terms and not the natural dimension because the reality of my life plays itself out in the spiritual dimension and this focus enables me to perceive God when he intervenes in my circumstances. 

Keeping my focus on God enables me to discern the spiritual dimension and the truth about any circumstances.

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